Accelerators Towards Transformative
Regional Advancement, Competitiveness
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Regional Inclusive Innovation Centers (RIICs) are virtual or physical platforms for collaborative programs purposively to generate product, process, or service innovations that are deemed important to the goal of inclusive growth and development of the respective regions.

It is “inclusive” as they pertain to product, process, service innovations or other solutions that benefit the common good. Inclusiveness provides a chance for every one, especially MSMEs, to have access to shared facilities, information, expertise, and resources for their improvement and growth as well as to form partnerships with various stakeholders in the region.

The RIICs recognize that all key actors in the region should move as one and seamlessly in pursuit of common regional innovation targets through the sharing of information, expertise, and resources. Some of these collaborations are expressed through government-academe-industry partnerships, access to shared facilities such as R&D laboratories, co-working spaces, fabrication laboratories, and in the case of regional startups, access to capital and investments.


The name "Cordillera" is derived from the region's abundance of gorgeous mountains, which represent the region's triumph against creative growth and development barriers. Much like the unity of these mountains producing a strong range, the sectors and industries driving innovation will work together to strengthen the Cordillera innovation ecosystem.




Promote ecotourism and enhancing farm tourism sites



Strengthen farmer coops and reduce manpower in farms

Creative Industry


Increase commercial areas in zoning ordinances

Knowledge Transfer


Strengthen government-academe linkage


Project Management Content


The Regional Inclusive Innovation Center (RIIC) in the Cordillera Administrative Region was established on November 4, 2022.

The lead for the Cordillera RIIC is the TARAKI- CAR (Technological Consortium for Awareness, Readiness, and Advancement of Knowledge in Innovation - Cordillera Administrative Region) with the support of the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) and the Regional Research, Development and Innovation Committee (RRDIC).

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Why Taraki


The consortium permits the stakeholders to capitalize their combined assets or resources, and expertise in their sector, for a wider reach and attain better results.

Advantages of a Consortium

  • Easier to achieve collective goals because numerous “similar” companies are speaking with one voice.
  • Shares best practices and learning from each other’s expertise.
  • Increases exposure and credibility in the industry.
  • Avoids duplication of effort but still achieving goals.

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